
CawSA Centre

CawSA Centre

The frequency and severity of climate shocks such as drought, floods, heat and cold stress have increased with negative impacts on agriculture and food security ( accessed 7th April 2019). Agricultural systems in East Africa are mainly rain-fed and highly vulnerable to climate change and variability.  In Africa, climate change causes yields to decline as a result of water and heat stress. Yields will decrease even further where there is no possibility of supplemental irrigation, to the extent that growing crops becomes impossible.

The challenges faced in agricultural production, that are caused by climate variability and change are complex and cannot be tackled by one or a few organizations working in isolation. Hence, in January 2017, the Nakuru Irrigation Acceleration Platform (IAP) - a multi stakeholder platform was started with financial and technical support from SNV Kenya. The Nakuru IAP is coordinated by the Crops, Horticulture and Soils Department at Egerton University under the leadership of Prof. A. Kibe.

The irrigation acceleration platform (IAP) is a private sector-led initiative that brings together actors in the agri-business sector – input providers, commodity buyers/processors, academia/researchers, state agencies, development partners and donors to concertedly work within climate smart crop and water nexus. It promotes conservation and efficient use of water for agriculture through construction of water pans, use of solar pumps, innovative spray systems and on-farm moisture conservation methods. The platform supported farmers in 11 irrigation clusters to set up six (6) Smart Water Solution demo centers and lobby for more investments in the irrigated value chain.In August 2017, Egerton University was awarded a competitive grant on Seed Potato Community Action Research Program Plus (CARP+) by RUFORUM with financial support from MasterCard Foundation. This multi-stakeholder program is implemented in partnership with Nakuru County Government (MoALF), ADC – Molo, Baraka Agricultural College, Nakuru Smallholder Farmers Association (NASFA) and National Potato Council (NCPK). The partners developed the Nakuru Potato Strategy, established demo sites, trained farmers on seed production, contributed to the new potato regulations, establishment of the Nakuru potato cooperative union (representing over 6,000 farmers) and improved market linkages. 

In June 2018, both the IAP and Seed Potato CARP+ projects made a strategic decision to create synergy by co-investing in joint activities. The first event was the Farmer Education day and Nakuru potato stakeholder forum held on 22nd June at Egerton University. Later six field days, many Business-2-Business meetings were held and the Water Smart Centre was set up in Field 7 in January 2019. In recognition of the early results, Egerton University was selected through a competitive process by the Smart Water for Agriculture program partners - SNV Kenya, Meta Meta, Wageningen University, Aqua for Life and Practica to establish a Climate and Water Smart Agriculture (CaWSA) – Centre in March 2019.

The Centre is located in Field 7 and 17 at Egerton University.The CaWSA- Centre showcases various water conservation, storage, abstraction and distribution systems and soil and moisture conservation technologies, innovations and management practices (TIMPS).

The Centre is used for farmer and student training and community action research. In 2019, we supported two (2) farmer and three (3) student research trials on irrigated seed potatoes and disseminated the results. In field 7, farmers planted nine potato varieties, while in Field 17, they compared the pros and cons of hand and mechanized potato planting. In addition, we planted various demo crops for experiential learning and income generation. For outreach activities, we supported six farmer field days, three trainings, three Busines-2-business meetings and two farmer exchange visits.


Our facilities and services include:

1)  Secretariat of the Nakuru Irrigation Acceleration platform and CARP+ project

2)   Farmers CaWSA resource and outreach centre offering:

•Demos on water harvesting pans, solar pumps, drip, mist and sprinkler irrigation systems

•   Farmer and student-led crop and fodder demonstration and experimentation plots

•  Hydroponic, aeroponic and mechanized seed potato demonstration units

•  Short Courses, seminars, demo farm tours

•  Growing and selling of fresh produce to the University Cafeterias and sta for generation of income to sustain the centre.

•  Provide internship for students and practitioners of irrigated agriculture.

3)Support farmer outreach, training and producer organizations by linking them to relevant service providers that strengthen their productivity.


14 August 2023


Egerton University, Seed Potato, CaWsa Centre


Utafiti Building, Egerton, Njoro.

+254 -115 199 594

+254-775 015 385

Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 17:00