
The Agro-Science Park

The Agro-Science Park

AgroScience Park (AgroPark) is Directorate under the Division of Research and Extension established in 2011 as a Vision 2030 Government Project to employ STI to move technology out of the lab and into the marketplace. The Agro-Science Park is one othe Vision 2030 Flagship projects together with Rehabilitation of Njoro River and Chemeron Dryland Eco-Tourism and Training centre. The Park is University's Unit which its main goal is to entrench the need to develop education, science, technology and innovation in thus contributing to knowledge-based economic development of the country. By creating new business opportunities and value addition the Park would spur rapid national development in fulfilment of Vision 2030 objectives. The overall mandate of promotion of innovations, products and services to be commercialized and linking university with industry for uptake of this products. Envisioned in long run to brings together academic, farmers, graduate students, business, agro-procesors and manufacturers in one stop-shop to share information and innovative ideas, commercialization and wealth creation. The Park is located beside the Ngongongeri Farm of Egerton University and facing the magnificent University Botanical Garden. The Park owns 50 acres of land for demonstration facilities and meeting point with farmers, private sector. The park has the following strategic activities are: providing infrastructure for incubating Agro-innovation fro private and public sector partners; encourage and facilitate strategic partnerships in the agro-value chains development; facilitating incubation and Start-ups through stimulating and managing the flow of knowledge and technology between universities and companies and communication between companies, entrepreneurs and technicians and providing environments that enhance a culture of innovation, creativity and quality; Commercialization of innovations in partnership with the Industry; facilitate the creation of new businesses via incubation and spin-off mechanisms, and accelerate the growth of small and medium size companies focusing on companies and research institutions as well as on people: the entrepreneurs and ‘knowledge workers' and lastly resource mobilizing and generating resources to sustain the Park. Work in a global network that gathers many thousands of innovative companies and research institutions throughout the world, facilitating the internationalisation of their resident companies

In 2019, the National and County Government of Nakuru proposed to upgrade the Park into an a national Agro-industrial Park which doubles as Special Economic Zone (namely, Lord Egerton Agri-City) on 200 acre land within its 3000 acre Ngongongeri farm.

Conception framework

The industrial park is conceptualized to be a Regional agro-hub as shown in Fig 1. The Park will be  cluster for agro-development, manufacture, marketing and distribution of quality agricultural inputs, ingredients, produce, goods and services with World class agriculture and industrial university that is bedrock of extension, economic modelling and policy development; Global center of excellence in African crop seed and animal genetics; Farm inputs and machinery manufacture and distribution; Food production, produces trading and agro-processing; Special Economic Zone & Freeport  and heavenly living environment with modern amenities.industrial park1

industrial park1

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11 August 2023


Agro-Science Park, Egerton University


Utafiti Building, Egerton, Njoro.

+254 -115 199 594

+254-775 015 385

Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 17:00